Remove your hair please!
You expect people diving in the swimming pool to be clean. People do take bath before swimming , i am not talking about that. What i am p*ssed about is the fact that some people dont take time out of their precious busy schedules to remove the hairs even of their "Arm Pit". Its such a sick feeling to even look at that. All kinds of filters, chlorine and other stuffs are there to remove the finest of impurities but if you are in water with your hairs on your special places, how can you expect the water to be clean.
I just dont know how people can even live with this. Not only guys are involved in that but Uncles , The Husbands , all kind of people who just know how to swim but dont care about the integrity of the water. Dont care about others.
I dont know how they going to love others if they dont even love their bodies. If they dont clean the hairs of the arm pit , how do you expect them to clean their X-Area hairs!
Such a sad feeling , Islam lies so much stress on purity. Even Namaaz is not acceptable if hairs of arm pit and X-areas are not removed.
I just dont know how people can even live with this. Not only guys are involved in that but Uncles , The Husbands , all kind of people who just know how to swim but dont care about the integrity of the water. Dont care about others.
I dont know how they going to love others if they dont even love their bodies. If they dont clean the hairs of the arm pit , how do you expect them to clean their X-Area hairs!
Such a sad feeling , Islam lies so much stress on purity. Even Namaaz is not acceptable if hairs of arm pit and X-areas are not removed.
Gross hai na....The public swimming baths here r clean...its seen as an offence to b dirty here n enter the water...
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:48 AM
I'm here thru Suga's refrence :) but after reading ur post I got a dingy feeling...How can ppl do that...Agree with Suga over here public swimming bath are clean...I think they should put a sign up there "Safai nisf eman hai"...!
Stay Beautiful...!
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:17 AM
Hair* and not hairs, plus if you are so anxious about cleanliness next time swim in your own personal pool...and breathe in your own clean air :)
Not that I do not endorse what you just said, but one should be realistic, this is life...
Posted by
Talha Masood |
3:50 AM
Now I am going to loose my lunch. Yuck
Posted by
Checkmate |
2:29 PM
eewww! :P that's why am pool-phobic!
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:15 PM
suga: right..but one should understand this by himself /herself
sugarlips: you are welcome here always :)
Yeah..but as i said..people should understand this by themselves.
talha: you belong in that group mate which will turn their backs to it if they see something morally incorrect rather than doing something.
Plus, with accepting what i am saying, you still are criticizing me :S, a favourite hobby of every Pakistani.
checkmate: hahaha :) sucks
paranoid and checmate: you both are welcome here:)
Posted by
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