You might know in the morning that last night pill dint work!
All you desperate husbands and aged people whose cylinders have ran out of steam there, beware of the imitated viagra out there in the market. Indian Manufacturer has been caught in United Kingdom for producing imitated viagra which looks like real but it doesnt work the same way and has its side effects as well and for selling it to all parts of world in great number. The real company Pfizer which develops Viagra is astonished to see that the imitated viagra looks exactly the same and its impossible for anyone to find out which is the real one. Since the indian manufacturer has sold it to all parts of world , Pfizer has denied to take all the Viagra back and to test and to seperate the real from the copied one.
I came to know about it when my doc. brother and other doctor was discussing about it. They seem to have checked up the patient having some problems in Aga Khan Hospital. Later there discussion somehow from that patient came to Sildenafil (medical name of Viagra) and i came to know about the above. So beware you all, if you have used Viagra , you should take yourself to the nearby hospital because if in UK , it is impossible for to differentiate the real and imitated, how do you expect Pakistani shops to give you the real one! :)
I came to know about it when my doc. brother and other doctor was discussing about it. They seem to have checked up the patient having some problems in Aga Khan Hospital. Later there discussion somehow from that patient came to Sildenafil (medical name of Viagra) and i came to know about the above. So beware you all, if you have used Viagra , you should take yourself to the nearby hospital because if in UK , it is impossible for to differentiate the real and imitated, how do you expect Pakistani shops to give you the real one! :)
hahahaha. that's the funniest post. ever. ahahahah they can sing verve's 'now the drugs dont work, they just make you worse' hahahahaha. dammit. im still laughing.
Posted by
damned |
6:02 PM
hira : aint funny for him who has taken it :P
with regards
Posted by
FM |
12:01 AM
Daniella : wow amazing.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:43 AM
Is there any alternate one?
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:57 AM
cutie nice blog you have
Someone should take the responsibility.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:05 AM
find out more about viagra on this site :)
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:09 AM
Excellent, love it!
» » »
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:08 AM