Not Another Bomb Blast!
When everything seems to go in the right direction, a blast just again creates an impression of Karachi as a terrorist city. I hate when my home city is taken that way but nobody can blame those who think that. Its been a while now that after some quite,peacerful serene days a blast take place here and there now. I hate those who do that but is there a way to stop suicide bombing??..Cmon Musharraf..just f*ck those f*ckers!
Its very very sad that something like that happened.Everything was going just fine and now due to the bombing and not just on any other day but on the day that marks the birth of Holy Prophet.So many lives lost.Well i hope Musharaff does something about it.But the funny part is the solution the Islamic parties are giving is so useless.All they want is the present assembly to be dissolved.I dont think that is the solution to the problems!!
And congrats on ur brother's engagement:)
Posted by
Nostalgia |
4:47 PM
Yeah you are right. They want nothing than power....thats the problem with Pakistan..everyone wants power....they just dont know that with great power come greater responsibility.... What musharraf has done...i doubt anyone else could have done that...
Thanks :)
with regards
Posted by
FM |
9:54 PM
Nothing New, holiday in khi means that don't come out of your houses :(
Posted by
Raheel Lakhani |
10:42 PM
Keep up the good work
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Anonymous |
4:54 AM