Are you an Orkut Geek?
Do you visit orkut at least once a day?
Do you have more than 100 friends?
Do you have more than 1000 scraps?
You can't sleep at night if you dont log on to orkut the whole day?
Do you know the feature of profile views that was present at orkut?
Do you scrap your friends at least once a day?
You can miss your lunch but not orkut.Right?
Even in your exams time you visit orkut? (if you are a student)
If all the answers are "Yes" than definitely you are an Orkut Geek.
Do you have more than 100 friends?
Do you have more than 1000 scraps?
You can't sleep at night if you dont log on to orkut the whole day?
Do you know the feature of profile views that was present at orkut?
Do you scrap your friends at least once a day?
You can miss your lunch but not orkut.Right?
Even in your exams time you visit orkut? (if you are a student)
If all the answers are "Yes" than definitely you are an Orkut Geek.
what on earth is orkut??
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:52 PM
yeah, what on earth is orkut??
*me giggles
and what is remenber me? :p spelling is wrong bhai sahab, check kerlen :D
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:00 AM
Aduh 'Ka, you're almost always late to know everything around. Who on earth doesn't know orkut LOL omg this lady
I once was an orkut member but i have deleted my account. I don't really like community, also about friendster I don't find a need to come in. But I find Orkut much better than friendster anyway, ever heard the opposite of orkut, and vs friendster hihihihi
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:49 AM
Thankfully m NOT :D
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:17 AM
Who are you calling an Orkut Geek? ;)
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:58 AM
I AM!! hehe. cant get rid of it..try as i might..:D
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:28 PM
ika and ayesha: nice to find someone out who doesnt know about orkut :)
Anonymuis:orkut doesnt attract me either. I joined orkut way back but i dont find any affinity within myself towards orkut.
Gul: smae here:)
Inside have a blog on orkut :)...
Sid: try again! :)
with regards
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:33 PM
FM, when i was still a member i saw lots of pak friends there ... once they found my orkut page i was like ...
'arghhh! that guy knew my pic!'
'arghhh! how to delete a pic?!?'
viewing private messages...
'hi cute, how are you today? where do u originally come from actually?'
*viewing his profile*
the next messages ...
'Hi, I'd like to know how you made a vector image which I saw on your photo gallery'
*Heh?!? Photo gallery? this person must have viewed my ... site also*
'oww ... i used photoshop'
'oh okay, i actually want to know you more, wanna go out sometime? I live in Breda'
dead shocked when I noticed they lived in the same country ... I asked my friend;
'hey dude, can i ask ya somethin'?'
'do you know how i can terminate my orkut account?'
and it's terminated ...
ehehehe :D
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:28 PM
lol all of those apply to me... except the whole profile view feature... and food and sleep rule over everything man... so i'm not quite an orkut geek! hahaha!
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:44 PM
LOL! i use orkut brother, but not that much.. ke aik din use na karon to khana hazam na ho.. am not a freak ;p
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:44 PM will found a lot of Pakistanis a lot of Indian and somehow a lot of Brazilians and Iranians. I cant understand why :S...maybe people have more social affinity towards each other.
Mahnoor: profile views was a feature way back. I am a very old orkut user but i dont check it ...once in a while maybe...That feature is not present anymore...that profile views feature indicated the no of people who viewed your profile. I dont like orkut ...
Ayesha: good to see you are not a freak :)
with regards
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:15 PM
uhmm... well... the thing is.. i don't really bother too much about these kinda things :D i have friendster 'n pretty much find LOTSSS of my long lost friends.. and i have other networking sites.. 'n enuf for me
1 simple example how i don't really care about hypes... people were crazed about blogging from God knows when... me? i don't care. so what? :) only until last year i gotta learn php 'n i needed to create my own project, then i choose blogging. otherwise, i seriously prefer to hang out w/ my friends, being outside, taking pix, etc. rather than sitting in front of computer all day long ;)
even when i do sit in front of computer for a very long time, i usually do research, finding out things, look for jobs, working, etc ;)
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:43 AM
KA: Orkut is nice, it has lots of communities, try it :) better than friendster :D hanging out is something that we do in daily life so I don't mix my net life for that heh, what i do on the net are just blogging, reading blogs, searching something finding job, though.
FM: ah ya i forgot to add: the private messages I got were not from a Pakistani, they were brazillian, dutch, etc. The Pak friends I've aren't that flirtatious hehe ... Luckily :P
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:53 AM
I hate orkut, basically :)
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:40 AM
hey leave orkut n get somthing visit:
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:45 AM
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Posted by
Anonymous |
3:29 PM