Pakistan And Kalabagh Dam?
The only country you will find "some" people rioting against a Dam is Pakistan. Let me tell you the whole scenario. Pakistan's province Sindh is an urgent need of a dam so that the water obtained due to rain doesnt get wasted and can be used for a longer period time. Punjab is the province through which the water reaches to Sindh. So if excess rain takes place in Punjab, they have to open the gates of their dams so Sindh gets excess water which gets wasted. In sindh, rain doesnt take place so much whereas in Punjab it is the exact opposite of it. So the need of a dam arises for Sindh. Unfortunately when rain doesnt take place in Pakistan, Punjab sometimes dont give the due amount of water to Sindh due to which Sindh suffers...this is all due to personal gains of people because some stupid feudals have forgotten that its their country which comes first not their personal lives.
Now some uneducated people of Pakistan who dont know the immense importance of Dam are joining hands to stop the government from building the dam. Reasons, well there are many. firstly every party not in power wants their emphasis over the poor uneducated people. If the govenrment builds a dam which will help change those people lives because their bread and butter depends on agriculture will obviously increase the support for the government and those parties will lose their vote in those areas. Secondly, there are many parties who have not done anything for their own people but rather they take vote by buying the people or luring them. Most of the people in Sindh are uneducated and poor so they cannot differentiate b/w right and wrong so they can easily be led astray. So their magic spells will be useless if the dam gets shaped up. Thirdly they (protesters) claim that Punjab will store more water and will give less to Sindh if the dam is made. Now my reply to those suckers is that dammit for once think for the long run..if the dam is not built than Sindh will be a desert till 2010 ...forget your past enemities with Punjabis....its not the time to remember those...Punjabis are nothing by themselves neither Sindhis...Its because of Pakistan thats they both are present and by not building the dam Sindhis are not suffering (yeah they do) but its Pakistan who is suffering.
Yeah i even heard on the radio one @$$h*le protesting leader saying "If Kalabagh Dam is made , Pakistan will be broken like 1971"
Within myself i thought " If i found you , i will split your ________ into pieces"
God save Pakistan. Amen
Now some uneducated people of Pakistan who dont know the immense importance of Dam are joining hands to stop the government from building the dam. Reasons, well there are many. firstly every party not in power wants their emphasis over the poor uneducated people. If the govenrment builds a dam which will help change those people lives because their bread and butter depends on agriculture will obviously increase the support for the government and those parties will lose their vote in those areas. Secondly, there are many parties who have not done anything for their own people but rather they take vote by buying the people or luring them. Most of the people in Sindh are uneducated and poor so they cannot differentiate b/w right and wrong so they can easily be led astray. So their magic spells will be useless if the dam gets shaped up. Thirdly they (protesters) claim that Punjab will store more water and will give less to Sindh if the dam is made. Now my reply to those suckers is that dammit for once think for the long run..if the dam is not built than Sindh will be a desert till 2010 ...forget your past enemities with Punjabis....its not the time to remember those...Punjabis are nothing by themselves neither Sindhis...Its because of Pakistan thats they both are present and by not building the dam Sindhis are not suffering (yeah they do) but its Pakistan who is suffering.
Yeah i even heard on the radio one @$$h*le protesting leader saying "If Kalabagh Dam is made , Pakistan will be broken like 1971"
Within myself i thought " If i found you , i will split your ________ into pieces"
God save Pakistan. Amen
I agree with everything you said. My thoughts exactly. And I believe that person who said it will be broken should be Grilled on a Hot Tava and made to dance naked. Killing him would be too easy.
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:12 AM
I didn't get the ______ - and confused 'cause I can fit two in it :P
It's a sad issue really. I don't know why people can sometimes be so stubborn about futile matters.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:20 AM
Reza: Yeah right. Good to see our thoughts are same :)
Viks: can take anything there :)
yeah exactly...yahan logon ney sayasat karni hai har cheez per
with regards
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:19 AM
I think the confidence of Sindh should be restored first and once they are taken in confidence, then only we can build a dam. For that the current alloted water (according to some Accord) should be given to Sindh. The dam is no use if the people are fighting because of the mistrust.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:06 PM
Everybody is against Kalabagh Dam except three, punjab, military ruler & the WAPDA. So many reolutions have been passed by the provincial assemblies against this Dam. But the three monsters give a damn to the resolutions of the provincial assemblies. Kalabagh Dam is the death of Indus Civilisation. Mistrust prevails between Punjab & the small provinces (particularly Sindh). This mistrust is qite understandable so. They have deprived Sindh of it's due-share. Why we are going to rely on the dictator who once pledged in front of 15 million people to get out of uniform. But everybody knows what happened with the pledge.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:08 PM
build the damn dam i say!
seriously though, about time people should get behind mushy and give him the support he rightly deserves, the man has singlehandedly done more for the country than any other leader in the past 50 odd years.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:39 AM
Dear Brother:
Congratulations for starting this blog. Even though I am vary happy to see someone concern about Pakistan and its burning issuees, but also surprised to see inaccuracies in your comment from start to the end.
Here I will explain them honestly and respetfully.
Pakistan is NOT the only country where peoples are riotong against a dam
Making Dam is a huge issue in every country of the world specially developed countries. Few years back china started building a dam, and there was a mass protest against that dam. Same is true in many other countries. The main reason is that people have to leave their houses and villages for the dam fillup area.
As a matter of fact humun rights organizations countinuously review the contructions of dams in all the countries, and of course they consider it a human rights issue.
Secondly, majority of sindh is not un-educated. rather %age vise its the most educated province. I beleave you never came out of Karachi, other then visiting Punjab. right? Don't feel bad, most of the Karachiites are like that, and please don't tell me its not true I am vary close to karachi.
Thirdly, if we need water in Sindh , we need dam in sindh not outside it, Canals are made on dams, and surrounding areas benefit from it. Sindh has no use of it at all.
Forthly, Please don't kill the guy who is saying that if Kalabagh dam is built , Pakistan will disintegrate. Have you ever heard of a saying "Don't shot the messenger?" May be Not.
He is telling you the fact. He is not breaking pakistan, he is just telling you what is going to happen. Its just like if I see your father taking bribe and tell you, rather then asking your dad you attack me like I am the bad guy.
Do you guys know that all provinces except punjab have specific resolutions against the contruction of the Kalbagh Dam. Whether we need a dam or not, building it now is wrong , and will cost a lot.
Now Why Mushraf wants Kalabagh Dam so badly?? Not because he sees the need but rather to extend its power only. How?Good question. The three provinces always had reservations adainst Army's Majors, colonels and Generls (Notice: I am not inculding soldiers). After the earthquake in Pakistan, peoples in Punjab have realised the in-capabalities of Army who uses a major portion of the budget and systematically destroys civilian institutions so they cannot comepte with bureaucracy of the army.After the earthquake in Pakistan, I heard the inteview of a guy from a village near Muzzafarabd that the major over there ordered to shot the peoples gathering in front of army cantt for help, and said he is there to save army not the civilians. The villager said that he and all of his peoples will shot all the army guys as soon as the condition settles down and will make them leave this area.
The peoples of punjab has un-earthed the true face of Army majors, colonels and Generals. They started hateing them. Musharaf don't want whole country hate army so he , just to change the topic (political gain) came out extremely strong for Kalbagh Dam.
Now punjabis (most of the are tue and patroit pakistanis and have nothing to do with kalabagh Dam) will strat hateing other and supporting the army. Musharaf will gain politically, but the country will suffer for years. See what his predecessors have done, Yehya, Zia, Ayub, Niazi. the shame of our nation.
We might need water and dams but not with the price of Pakistan. Yours young blood might think otherwise, but by the time you see the truth it might be too late. I am putting three links below, please go thouh them in that order. They will help you understanf the problem:
sorry if i said anything you don't like,
As long as you love Pakistan, I ove you.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:04 PM
Welcome you to my blog. Its good to see many people participating on such posts.
About China: like you said they were protesting against the land ...but here the situation is different like you know.
You mean to say in Sindh there are more educated ppl than uneducated :S...Can you please verify that.
for that guy..well he wanted his political magic to fire the people "apni syasat chamkani thee us ney" he said that..tthats why i hate those leaders. They never did anything for the country ..they are nothing but puppets of PPP and PML who looted the country twice in their reign.
Alright i read your Musharraf point and it has weight i admit. Now if i say the same thing Opposition is doing ..they also need political backup from people so they are using Kalabagh dam for their political motives and are highlighting the negative points so much that they are over shawoding the positive points of dam. See no one of those are willing to go back from their points because its their prestige is what at stake.
There are no links present in your comment....
Thanks, your musharraf point gave a new thinking point to me.
no thats not a problem man..i dont feel anything bad. I feel good someone came up with a noticeable point.
Yeah as far as anything benefits PAkistan i am not against it be it under Musharraf or anyone else.
with regards
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:43 PM
Well by this time I am sure that you are a patriotic Pakistani so do I, but we have different approach as far as kalabagh is concerned.
You are keeps on trying to convinve me that Kalabagh is essential, and I don't really disagree with it. Any county can use extra water, what I am trying to say is that all parties should be agree on an issue which is common to all. kalabagh dam will change the water distrubutuion in pakistan and we cannot afford to disagreee with other opposing point of views. You may or may not know that other three provinces has passed more then thirteen bills against Kalabagh dam thru their elected assemblies in different times and governments.
Here are the links again.
Also, I think we need to spread this blog, we need many people take part in it. One of the problem is that politicians take advantge of our mis-communication. Tell me how wecan do that. Thanks
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:32 AM
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