VLSI -> Yes or No!
VLSI is Very Large Scale Integration and is one of the three optional courses we will have to choose from in the Final Year (other two are Artifical Intelligence and Internet Computing). It is basically related to ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit). ASIC are IC's which perform particular operation and they have all the logic stored in them. This logic can be produced by two ways. Firstly by using Verilog and secondly by VHDL (obsolete). Programming in Verilog according to my final year seniors is an art to learn and intriguing to perform. VLSI is basically related to hardware type computer engineers who wants to work and play with IC's.You can develop any sort of IC's by developing your own logic and implementing it through Verilog. GSM technology can also be implemented through it so just giving an indication that IC's made using Verilog can be used in communications.
But i am kinda confused...the teacher who teaches VLSI is not satisfactory one according to my seniors....So whether I should take the course or not..i am in dillema regarding VLSI...it all depends on the time that is ticking slowly and slowly ....however i am also thinking about the other two courses as well Artificial intelligence (related to Process models and Robotics) and Internet computing (network security). Which one to choose?..its a tough time for all my university fellows...
But i am kinda confused...the teacher who teaches VLSI is not satisfactory one according to my seniors....So whether I should take the course or not..i am in dillema regarding VLSI...it all depends on the time that is ticking slowly and slowly ....however i am also thinking about the other two courses as well Artificial intelligence (related to Process models and Robotics) and Internet computing (network security). Which one to choose?..its a tough time for all my university fellows...
Well, I took AI in my Bachelors and I will definately elect to take it again in my MS level courses. It is fun by a lot of degrees over VLSI and Internet Computing. But that is my personal opinion more than anything. We programmed in Prolog and I learnt LISP on my own. Two of the languages used in AI these days. Prolog is mored Europe centric and LISP is used more in the US. Don't know what they will teach you but I loved both of them. Both have a unique feel. In LISP everything is in lists.. and in prolog you have rules and facts.
My opinion would be not to go for a higher level elective if the teacher isn't good. For once, they screw you over on grades and second, you don't learn jack. It is a waste of time, resources and grades. Good luck.
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:37 AM
AI is a good subject but here AI teacher aint good either. Plus there is all theoretical stuff here. The name of courses is same as you have but the contents and the teaching standards are way different here.
Plus in my 3 years i have studied by myself ...some subjects i learned from teachers but the rest i did it myself...
Thanks for the AI stuff info man.
with regards
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:40 PM
Keep up the good work
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:38 PM