Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) and The Danish Newspaper
Danish newspaper "Jaylland-Posten" published cartoons depicting Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) which obviously infuriated the Muslim World. This sends a message of contempt towards muslims. I am not going to post pictures here but i can post the reaction of some countries.
Arab News reported: "Muslims in Saudi Arabia denounced Danish and Norwegian newspapers for publishing cartoons ridiculing and insulting Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and called on Islamic governments take action against such hostile campaigns."
KUWAIT (Agencies): "The State of Kuwait strongly condemns and denounces a series of items, in Danish newspapers, which were deemed humiliating to the personality of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), an authoritative Foreign Ministry official said Friday."
Morocco condemned on the publication of satirical cartoons on Prophet Mohammed in a Danish newspaper, regretting it came to provoke Muslim's feelings, said a release of the Moroccan Supreme Council of Ulemas.
Same thing happening in Pakistan and other Muslim countries. This act of Danish newspaper has not only shown the ill will towards muslims but also Danish esteem and pride has fallen from the zenith to the nadir in the Muslim world.
Arab News reported: "Muslims in Saudi Arabia denounced Danish and Norwegian newspapers for publishing cartoons ridiculing and insulting Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and called on Islamic governments take action against such hostile campaigns."
KUWAIT (Agencies): "The State of Kuwait strongly condemns and denounces a series of items, in Danish newspapers, which were deemed humiliating to the personality of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), an authoritative Foreign Ministry official said Friday."
Morocco condemned on the publication of satirical cartoons on Prophet Mohammed in a Danish newspaper, regretting it came to provoke Muslim's feelings, said a release of the Moroccan Supreme Council of Ulemas.
Same thing happening in Pakistan and other Muslim countries. This act of Danish newspaper has not only shown the ill will towards muslims but also Danish esteem and pride has fallen from the zenith to the nadir in the Muslim world.
What's worse is that it took them too long to apologize. Instead, Europe is making use of Freedom of Press as an excuse to justify the horrible act.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:43 PM
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:33 PM
Disguisting, they ll definately regret. May Allah show them the right way.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:41 PM
From the actions of the Muslims, they have proven the drawings to be true. Maybe non Muslims should start boycotting all Muslim businesses for all the beheadings, plane hijackings, school hijackings, etc. You complain over a picture, while the world complains about Muslims slaughtering people in the name of Allah.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:28 AM
I heard this news.. very sad!! Today world is shouting for anti-racism and in ko dekho. Its not only about Muslims, no one has no right to hurt others. If religion gets involved, it becomes a bigger offence. I think these people have forgotten the difference between politics and religion.
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:09 AM
I agree with you dear.....
Press has been given right to do anything but i don't understand who has given them right to insult other's religion.....
Its unfair
I am a hindu but still i can understand what u r going through.....
We can not held responsible to any one community because of just few people working for their selfish interest....
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:56 AM
Same topic was under discussion last night into our family.
I must say, this is not the first time they offended us. I hope people didnt forgot the cartoon which NewYork Times publish and depict Pakistan as a pet Dog of US. And this time they turned around this ever unethical depiction. I guess if we keep continue our protest this way so may be third attempt will cause the greatest humiliation for muslims ever into the history. It should be diagnosed before its treated. Thanks
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:10 PM
Hassan: i think their actions crossed the freedom of expression limit.
Samrina: Welcome you to my blog. Hope to hear more from you.
Jeff: Good to see you dropped your views. Well Jeff good and bad are everywhere but according to islamic teachings one should respect the rights and beliefs of every non-muslims.
Banning Muslim businesses??cmon Jeff.You blame muslims for hijacking and all the violence in the world..well i am giving you just single example: Serbenica Massacare...who were the culprits there?..who were the victims there?. Google it ..you will find the answer.
Jeff: You are always welcome. Feel free to post your comments be it either harsh or bold.
Raheel: exactly.
Neetika: Welcome you to my blog. Thanks for dropping by.
You are right...No one has the right to disgrace other's beliefs.
Gul: wow...i never heard about that NYC times cartoon.
Well i think that 9/11 created all the difference..i still think that.
with regards
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:51 AM
Hi Guys. Well they shouldn't have done it. They are insulting us, our dearest Prophet MUHAMMAD (SAW) and our God.
They don't have any right to do this. I have even heard that when their flag was burnt by some people, they thought of it as an insult and when they were questioned about this cartoon of HOLY PROPHET (SAW) they said that it was the freedom of speech but we, the Muslims, will never accept this type of so called freedom of speech which insults our religion, our Prophet (SAW) and even other Prophets. They do even everyone has freedom of speech but not about insulting other religions. And what harm did the Holy Prophet (SAW) do to them that they are against Him and insulting Him? Sorry to say but even Non-Muslims are harming Muslims but we have never insulted their religion so why are we, Muslims, the victims? I think it is really very bad to insult other religions and it is not allowed in Islam but still we have a right to rebell agaist them Please do think about it and tell me. My yahoo id is "mahwishdil_93@yahoo.com"
Bye. All the best
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:41 PM
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:19 PM
This is very sad.may Allah show them the right path...
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:06 PM
they r mad they will b fall down INSHALLAH
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:12 PM
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