Cartoon Controversy and MMA!
MMA claims to be an Islamic Political Party inside Pakistan but there agenda is a different one. They are using religion as a tool to prevail in Pakistan. They are neither following the preachings of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) nor they are working in favor of Pakistan. Just one example, a women threw thrash on Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) everyday but Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) never said a word to her and when one day women dint come out to perform her same act, Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) found out that she was ill ,went to her house and gave her blessings. He did nothing except forgiving her.
But what the MMA is doing today ???..Now after the cartoon controversy, the acts performed by them on the roads burning other people's car, throwing stones on government buildings...Are they islamic? are they the same acts that would have been performed by Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) ? .MMA claims this and that but these are simple and very obvious examples that their desire is "Power" and for that they are ever-willing to infuse people with the spirit of religion and bring them under their flag.
MMA's response to cartoon controversy : burning car's , destroying governemnt buildings and then a strike which really gives an struggling country like Pakistan a huge setback. Why cant these MMA leaders realize that those who made the cartoon are not suffering any loss, its their own fellow countrymen and their country which is suffering.
Acts of Denmark Newspapers should be condemned but through a proper channel. Danish products should be rejected and EU should be nipped in the bud for their so-called "Freedom of Expression" and Danish authorities should apologize the entire Muslim nation immediately.
But what the MMA is doing today ???..Now after the cartoon controversy, the acts performed by them on the roads burning other people's car, throwing stones on government buildings...Are they islamic? are they the same acts that would have been performed by Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) ? .MMA claims this and that but these are simple and very obvious examples that their desire is "Power" and for that they are ever-willing to infuse people with the spirit of religion and bring them under their flag.
MMA's response to cartoon controversy : burning car's , destroying governemnt buildings and then a strike which really gives an struggling country like Pakistan a huge setback. Why cant these MMA leaders realize that those who made the cartoon are not suffering any loss, its their own fellow countrymen and their country which is suffering.
Acts of Denmark Newspapers should be condemned but through a proper channel. Danish products should be rejected and EU should be nipped in the bud for their so-called "Freedom of Expression" and Danish authorities should apologize the entire Muslim nation immediately.
Hi FM, It's Ogy.
This issue is blown out of proportions by the acts of these organisation who aren't upholding themselves in the proper manner. Sadly, the world looks upon them symbolically as a Muslim orgnisation. Is there something we can do?
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:13 PM
FM: I don't agree with boycotting Danish products. This may harm Denmark's economy, but the Danish harmed may be innocent people who are just trying to make a living! I got a forwarded e-mail recently by someone who said, "AlhamduLillah, falaan Danish company had to lay off 1,000 workers because of the Muslims' boycott!" Honestly, how can one take pleasure in the loss of a fellow being's livelihood! Anyways, this is the age of science & technology. If Muslims establish themselves in these areas, they will be powerful. For good or bad, today power earns respect! I hope people who are burning cars on the streets realize this soon.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:48 AM
Most of these mullahs don't even know what Islam is. They are just senseless orthodox freaks who are living in an era which now doesn't exist.
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:42 AM