Change yourself and the world will change
Well, thats a very obvious observation in our society that there are very few people who actually accept their mistakes when they do something either willingly or unwillingly wrong and it causes distress to other people. Most of the time poeple show shameless audacity and instead of realizing the folly the made, they impudently deny it. For e.g if someone is caught taking bribes or is caught indulged in swindling, they will deny it and will show chutzpah and blame others. Now in Pakistan, people say Pakistan aint going anywhere, thats a wrong statement. It should have been "Its not Pakistan who is not going anywhere, its the people of Pakistan who arent going anywhere" . Why i am saying that is because people are not doing justice to their jobs, their duties, their social and moral responsiblities. Consider an educated person in Pakistan eating on the road or any public place. What he will do after eating , will throw the trash anywhere and then they are the first ones to say "Man, i went to america and i saw how people live there, its such a beautiful place and i saw clean roads , clean sorroundings blah blah...and Pakistan...oh gosh, you cant compare it".Why is it clean...because the of the people. Now if the same person can live in America , the way as they should live in Pakistan as well but they can live as others their but not here and then comparison becoems meaningless. Why a common Pakistani can live in a proper manner in America and not in Pakistan. Now the answer i think is , we have to make a change. We have to understand that we are not the only ones living in this country, we have to start thinking about others , we have to finish this concept of Me,Me and only ME! in everything. If we start to judge ourselves neutrally and perform our jobs in every aspect of life sincerely , no wonder why we cant move forward. We can but for that we have to change ourselves. I think our destiny lies in our own hands.
I completely agree with you.....
Posted by
M Shoaib Sheikh |
1:03 AM
very true;
i wonder what 'chutzpah' is ?
Posted by
Sarfaraz Ahmed Soomro |
3:21 AM
Thanks mates for your app.
chutzpah is shameless audacity. Its pronouced as "Hootspah".
Posted by
FM |
7:49 PM
Nice entry. Welcome to the pack!
Posted by
Muhammad Saqib Ilyas |
11:07 AM
Thanks sir. Hurrah, i am in the pack ;)...My Prodigy ;)
Posted by
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1:12 AM
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Anonymous |
1:12 AM