Day 1 PDC Karachi 2005!
Starting Session:
PDC 2005(Pakistan Developer Conference) an Annual Event started b/w 9:30-10:00. The first session started by the host Rahat Qazmi who introduced the Guests. The centre of attraction was Mr. Rafal Lukawiecki who has a great following in Pakistan because he was the best speaker in the PDC 2004. Rafal Lukawiecki starting session regarding the upcoming techonologies was great. He gave an impressive overview of Visual Studio 2005 ,.NET Framework 2, Teamwork, Microsoft Solutions Framework 4,SQL Server 2005, Longhorn (Avalon , Security) blah blah..... then after the Chief Guest presentations , we headed for tea.
2nd Session (Post Tea Session):
I took the session of Mr. Abdel on Overview of ASP.NET 2. We (me and my friend) were late entering the room so we had to stand up in the start but fortunately we found places in the middle of the session. He discusses about new features in ASP.NET 2. The new controls especially. He gave a demo on security i.e giving a login page and then creating user and then defining its roles. He discussed about Web Parts i.e different parts of pages have seperate working and then relating them. He talked about Profiles and Profile Management and the Site Management. The presentation was good and it enhanced my information related to ASP.NET 2. After this session we headed for Lunch.
3rd & Unforgettable Session ( Post Lunch Session):
I first went in the session regarding Future of IT but then i simply realized in the start that the session can easily be understood via presentation slides so i then went where i thought in the start i should be to Mr. Stephen Forte session of "Implement data Driven Caching With Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2005" (grr...such a long name) . Well as soon as I entered the hall , i saw him executing data binding demo and that was not working at first and then he polled to the audience whether it will work or not once, twice than thrice and then he excalimed ..."don,don,done..doneee ...don-don-done-donee-doneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"
i was amazed reallyyyy by his emotions and so all the listeners. He was like giving points along with cool stuff in b/w which kept the ppl charged up during the session. He talked about
Datacaching in VS2005. He discussed about 5 data sources. (No was all microsoft there :D) . He talked about ASP.NET Cache Engine. He discussed different types of caching i.e ouput caching and fragmanted caching(caching of user control). Caching by parameter such as in Amazon website . He discussed lightly about Caching about Router Level. Mr. Stephen was very kind to both right and left hand side ppl :D....He always kept the seat at the left hand side for his gf ;) in the spanish class :D so u know why left side ;) and why the right side..hmm..maybe the rostrum was there thats why. He was really an amazing personality i have ever heard , i became extremely fond of his style of his presentation that i decided not to leave the hall and wait 15 mins there for his next session.
4th and Again Unforgettable Session:
15 mins wait over, Mr Stephen started again and this time on "Using Xquery to query and Manipulate XML Data in SQL Server 2005". XML DataType is introduced in SQL Server 2005 and that data type can be converted to char and vice versa. He discussed that to query XML Data we have "XQuery Technology". XQuery is superset of XPath. He mentioned that XML Query is based on FLWOR (For, Let, Where , Orderby, Return) e.t.c. He then mentioned about Ugly Americans :D and then about New Jersey ppl hahah i love that stuff. Whatever he was mentioning there was listened by the audience with great intrest. He discussed XQuery in detail giving demos on it as well as relational approach and using them together . He discussed about XML Schemas and how schemas handle XML datatype. The overall presentation was great and then after the Q&A session he told the audience (though much of them left for the tea break) but I and 20,25 ppl more stayed to listen his Paris Story :P. Here it is now...Lights on ...Camera rolling, Action: This was the time when American and French were really in war of words regarding the American-Iraq War issue and Mr. Stephen had to change a flight in France in his Europe tour. His father told him not to spend any money there (strict orders :D) and when Mr. Stephen reached there he went to bathroom thrice and he switched b/w terminals A,B and C in the airport car offcourse which was free :P and the driver was freakin upset with him :@...then he buys a magazine and he realizes...oh my God...i have bought father told me not to :@ (Chuckles :D:D..i wonder if his dad knows abt it :D ), that was it guyz.
After that Q&A session took place. The day was superb and i think it was more due to Stephen Fort this time around. His presentation rocked the PDC 2005..yess i repeat..his presentation rocked the PDC 2005 and those who were there were veryyyyyyyyyy luckyyyyyyy (like me ;) to hear and see such a gr8 presentation.
bye bye PDC 2005 Day1!
PDC 2005(Pakistan Developer Conference) an Annual Event started b/w 9:30-10:00. The first session started by the host Rahat Qazmi who introduced the Guests. The centre of attraction was Mr. Rafal Lukawiecki who has a great following in Pakistan because he was the best speaker in the PDC 2004. Rafal Lukawiecki starting session regarding the upcoming techonologies was great. He gave an impressive overview of Visual Studio 2005 ,.NET Framework 2, Teamwork, Microsoft Solutions Framework 4,SQL Server 2005, Longhorn (Avalon , Security) blah blah..... then after the Chief Guest presentations , we headed for tea.
2nd Session (Post Tea Session):
I took the session of Mr. Abdel on Overview of ASP.NET 2. We (me and my friend) were late entering the room so we had to stand up in the start but fortunately we found places in the middle of the session. He discusses about new features in ASP.NET 2. The new controls especially. He gave a demo on security i.e giving a login page and then creating user and then defining its roles. He discussed about Web Parts i.e different parts of pages have seperate working and then relating them. He talked about Profiles and Profile Management and the Site Management. The presentation was good and it enhanced my information related to ASP.NET 2. After this session we headed for Lunch.
3rd & Unforgettable Session ( Post Lunch Session):
I first went in the session regarding Future of IT but then i simply realized in the start that the session can easily be understood via presentation slides so i then went where i thought in the start i should be to Mr. Stephen Forte session of "Implement data Driven Caching With Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2005" (grr...such a long name) . Well as soon as I entered the hall , i saw him executing data binding demo and that was not working at first and then he polled to the audience whether it will work or not once, twice than thrice and then he excalimed ..."don,don,done..doneee ...don-don-done-donee-doneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"
i was amazed reallyyyy by his emotions and so all the listeners. He was like giving points along with cool stuff in b/w which kept the ppl charged up during the session. He talked about
Datacaching in VS2005. He discussed about 5 data sources. (No was all microsoft there :D) . He talked about ASP.NET Cache Engine. He discussed different types of caching i.e ouput caching and fragmanted caching(caching of user control). Caching by parameter such as in Amazon website . He discussed lightly about Caching about Router Level. Mr. Stephen was very kind to both right and left hand side ppl :D....He always kept the seat at the left hand side for his gf ;) in the spanish class :D so u know why left side ;) and why the right side..hmm..maybe the rostrum was there thats why. He was really an amazing personality i have ever heard , i became extremely fond of his style of his presentation that i decided not to leave the hall and wait 15 mins there for his next session.
4th and Again Unforgettable Session:
15 mins wait over, Mr Stephen started again and this time on "Using Xquery to query and Manipulate XML Data in SQL Server 2005". XML DataType is introduced in SQL Server 2005 and that data type can be converted to char and vice versa. He discussed that to query XML Data we have "XQuery Technology". XQuery is superset of XPath. He mentioned that XML Query is based on FLWOR (For, Let, Where , Orderby, Return) e.t.c. He then mentioned about Ugly Americans :D and then about New Jersey ppl hahah i love that stuff. Whatever he was mentioning there was listened by the audience with great intrest. He discussed XQuery in detail giving demos on it as well as relational approach and using them together . He discussed about XML Schemas and how schemas handle XML datatype. The overall presentation was great and then after the Q&A session he told the audience (though much of them left for the tea break) but I and 20,25 ppl more stayed to listen his Paris Story :P. Here it is now...Lights on ...Camera rolling, Action: This was the time when American and French were really in war of words regarding the American-Iraq War issue and Mr. Stephen had to change a flight in France in his Europe tour. His father told him not to spend any money there (strict orders :D) and when Mr. Stephen reached there he went to bathroom thrice and he switched b/w terminals A,B and C in the airport car offcourse which was free :P and the driver was freakin upset with him :@...then he buys a magazine and he realizes...oh my God...i have bought father told me not to :@ (Chuckles :D:D..i wonder if his dad knows abt it :D ), that was it guyz.
After that Q&A session took place. The day was superb and i think it was more due to Stephen Fort this time around. His presentation rocked the PDC 2005..yess i repeat..his presentation rocked the PDC 2005 and those who were there were veryyyyyyyyyy luckyyyyyyy (like me ;) to hear and see such a gr8 presentation.
bye bye PDC 2005 Day1!
nice documentary man! way to go!
Posted by
Whiz Kid |
9:29 PM
thanks guyz....
Posted by
FM |
8:52 PM